Sunday, 26 August 2007

Quick fix insomnia cures

In search for insomnia cures, you may have come across many products on the market that promise quick results. Most of these quick fixes should be avoided like the plague.

Most sufferers treat insomnia like a cold or cough, thinking that it can be cured with a few pills. It’s easy to fall into this way of thinking because we believe what we see.

We turn on the TV and see sleep aids advertised by big corporations and we instinctively assume that there is a quick fix solution and that the big corporations are not just in it for the money.

Truth is there is no such thing as a quick fix solution. But, there are solutions out there if you look and are prepared to try other methods. In fact the most effective methods out there are non-pharmaceutical.

Monday, 20 August 2007

Why can’t my doctor provide me with any insomnia cures?

Chances are that other than what your doctor learned at medical school, the only insomnia cures he or she knows of are the ones that come in bottles- sleeping pills. Well, that’s if you can even call them a cure.

Why is this? Well, did you know that in a recent survey only 10% of doctors rated their sleep knowledge as good? Shocking isn’t it? Furthermore there is a common belief among doctors and patients that treatments are not effective or cause more problems.

How can this be?! You’re probably wondering. In a recent survey it indicated that only 63 percent of medical schools were including structured sleep medicine sessions in their curricula. With this in mind alternative solutions should be sought.

Sunday, 19 August 2007

insomnia cures: the search

Where do you look for insomnia cures? Well that answer really depends on what you are willing to try. We are all different and indeed what works for others may not work for you.

Searching for an insomnia cure is like wading through a giant haystack. You may have tried the obvious option, the sleeping pill. However sleeping pills rarely tackle the cause of your insomnia.

This is why many people are turning towards alternative medicines and practices. We live in a world and age where information is only a few clicks away. Many people have cured their insomnia with alternative therapies. There are many alternative solutions out there if you are prepared to look.

Saturday, 18 August 2007

Natural insomnia cures: do they exist?

Natural insomnia cures do exist, it’s just a matter of finding them. So if they exist why are there still so many people suffering from insomnia? Well fact is only 5% of insomniacs seek help from their doctors.

That might seem strange, but insomnia sufferers tend to live with it and tend not to address their problem. Unfortunately most sufferers don’t realize the seriousness of insomnia until it develops into a long term illness.

So what are the options? to take sleeping pills? sometimes that may seem the only option. However it is not. There are other ways to cure your insomnia such as acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy and more.

Insomnia cures to fight this growing epidemic

Insomnia cures are needed for this growing epidemic. More than a third of adults are suffering from sleep problems. It’s a scary statistic, however for a large proportion of the population it has become the norm.

So what can be done to counter this growing problem? Well for a whopping 40% of insomniacs, over the counter sleeping pills are relied upon to aid sleep. But how effective are they? And are they really good for you in the long run? Surely there is a better way!

Most of these over the counter sleeping pills are for short term sleep troubles. So for the long term insomnia sufferer that’s not a viable option.

In the short term taking over the counter sleeping pills can cause drowsiness and grogginess. In the long term, an insomnia sufferer will develop a tolerance to excessive use. What is needed is a long term…no scratch that…a Permanent solution which does not require medication.